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Kindergartens in Qatar - Qatar Nurseries & Kindergartens Guide

Kindergartens in Qatar is normally a privately-run Kindergarten for children aged Four months to Six years. kindergartens in Qatar are run for childcare purposes, but normally follows a curriculum for the 4-6 year olds. Normal hours of kindergartens in Qatar are from 8am to 6pm all year round except for public holidays. kindergartens in Qatar tends to operate during term time and only takes children from 4-6 years. kindergartens in Qatar have to adhere to strict ratios of staff to children, as well as guidelines and curriculum set down by the Government. With kindergartens, timing is crucial. The best kindergartens in Qatar will get booked up as much as a year in advance so make sure that you don’t leave it until the last minute. Kindergartens range in size from 10 to 100+ places. That may be an important factor. Large kindergartens in Qatar are not always a bad thing as they tend to have better facilities – you just need to check how the rooms and ages of the children within the kinderga...       


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